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Cards and Illustrations By Mariota Percival

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Unique Cards and Book Illustrations by Mariota Percival


book illustrations by mariota percival


Talented artist Mariota Percival specializes in unique beautiful cards and book illustrations. She has illustrated three children’s story books and provided a number of illustrations for Shuter & Shooter Publishers school books. They include a range of styles and paint media (ink pen, pencil crayons, acrylic and watercolour paints), depending on the age-group of the readers.

Some book illustrations that have captured Mariota’s attention since she was young, and have inspired her, include Barbar the Elephant, Captain Pugwash, for their simplicity; and all the Tintin adventure books for the humour and detailed, animated expressions of their characters from around the world.

Her cards are one of a kind and include both postcards and greetings cards. Some were created for special occasions, some for personal use for family and friends, and others have been commissions. Media used are gouache, ink pen, water colours, collage, acrylics.

The dog and cat series has been printed and is currently for sale.
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The Analytical Monkey

A charming children’s story written by Marleen Roberts and published in 2013, The Analytical Monkey is about a baby monkey who is afraid of heights. Through his nurturing mother and monkey animal community, he learns slowly but surely to jump from tree to tree and master his fears.

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The Magic Cloak

Marleen Roberts’ book, The Magic Cloak, published in 2013, tells the story of a young schoolboy who was ostracised by his peers. Then one day he encounters a lady who gives him a piece of cloth that she says will turn into a magic cloak and transform his life for the better… He eventually becomes the school hero.  Mariota Percival illustrations bring the story to life.

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Going Ape

Going Ape by Jody Willows is the story of a little boy who is hard of hearing, and who learns to overcome his difficulties with a positive attitude and the opportunities life has to offer.
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Zulu Learner’s Book

A schoolbook published by Shuter & Shooter Publishers.

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The Wonky Door

Cover for a book called The Wonky Door written by Danielle Davis.

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Shuter & Shooter Publishers’ Catalogue

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Illustrations for Mariota Percival Memoirs

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3 Responses

  1. […] Mariota Percival art paintings and designs are inspired by the environment in which she has lived and travelled. She […]

  2. […] Mariota Percival paintings and designs are inspired by the environment in which she has lived and travelled. She […]

  3. Bryant B

    Sites, stores, etc? Or if there’s a hobby store that sells blank cards(preferably 3×5 inches) so I could illustrate on them, I’d like to know what store and how much.
    Thank you in advance!

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